Furnace oil is called heavy oil, marine oil or fuel oil. This fuel is obtained by cutting the crude oil distillation tower as a distillation tower product or the rest of the distillation tower. In general, furnace oil is any liquid fuel used in boilers or furnaces to generate heat or to be used in engines to generate power, except for fuels whose flash point is 42 ° C and fuels which are burned in wool or linen burners.

Petroleum gas is made from long-chain hydrocarbons, especially alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics. The term gas fuel is also used more strictly for heavy industrial fuels derived from crude oil and heavier than naphtha and gasoline. Smaller molecules such as propane, naphtha and gasoline are used for cars. Jet fuel, which has a relatively low boiling point, is obtained and separated in the early stages of the distillation tower.

Heavy oil products such as diesel fuel and lubricating oils have much less volatility and are separated from the distillation tower at a slower rate, while the bunker fuel is just below the barrels. It is used for asphalting roads and insulating roofs.

Due to the fluctuation of crude oil prices, sometimes the price of fuel oil (fuel oil) is lower than the market price of crude oil. According to the Iranian Petroleum Refining and Distribution Company, fuel oil exports account for 79.01% of Iran’s total refinery exports. Therefore, Iranian refineries produce unprofitable products by spending energy, money and creating environmental pollution. This production pattern and export practice does not lead to sustainable development in the use of energy resources in Iran.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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